Betty Boop gets hitched
by Holly Varni
April 10, 2014
Wedding dress

This last weekend, Betty Boop got hitched. Some of you may remember her from “Betty Boop’s “Pizzazz” Fizzles Mine.”

Walking down the aisle, she looked stunning in her layers of lace and sparkle. Her hair that is typically streams of molasses was tied in the most complex bun. Her face was beaming with joy, and her eyes shown like stars. Tastefully bedazzled and draped in white, the feature that gave her the nickname Betty Boop, made her the sexiest bride you’ve ever seen.

Betty Boop’s style is to wear 5 inch heels everyday and her wedding was no exception. This included being her bridesmaid. Four, very brave woman, donned the super platforms as they walked to the front. Some were more wobbly than others, but they all made it without any broken ankles. Few people on the planet can strut as confidently as Betty Boop in shoes that bring you so far up from the ground.

I was honored to not only witness the wedding ceremony but her journey to the wedding day. She began a countdown on Facebook at “180 day until I get married!” She posted every dress fitting, wedding workout, and shopping purchase that was wedding related. We got a day by day account of her becoming a “Mrs.”

And you know what? Her over the top excitement was contagious. As she became more giddy, everyone else became more giddy.

Let me tell you, this girl is crazy in love. Whenever she spoke of her now husband, she actually got “gushy.” As is young, untainted, new love, gushy. The thing that fascinated me was that this was not “new” love. As a matter of fact, the two of them had been going out for nine years!! I was both stunned and rather inspired that she was so “gaga” with someone she had known for nearly a decade.

I love and deeply cherish my husband, but I don’t squeal when mentioning his name. He’s my soul mate, but my voice does not raise two octaves when I tell people about him.

I thought something was wrong with me. I have energy, enthusiasm, love and passion, but compared to Betty Boop, I’m a dud. I finally had to ask her, “Why are you so excited when you’ve know each other so long? I mean, come on, you guys have been living together for years.”

Her response? “I want to be MARRIED!”

Beyond the dress and heels, beyond the dance and photographer, she wanted the vows.

I loved that. It made me think of my vows and the moment when I looked into my future husband’s eyes and proclaimed to God and our family of what I promised. The promise of how I would care for him for all the days of my life. The oath was a seal on our relationship.

Saying those vows are a big deal. It’s something that we sometimes forget and take for granted.

When the minister spoke to the bride and groom about the sacredness of the covenant they were making, he was also reminding everyone in the audience. It was a touchstone moment to hear again that “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

We all the know the verse or at least parts of it by heart, but when you witness two people in front of an audience making a commitment to that definition, it hits you. This is not a Hallmark card or words on a cheesy plaque, this is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of loving.

Weddings are romantic occasions for not only the bride and groom, but those of us who are married. It sparks memories and reignites commitment. As every family member and friend cheered and clapped over the union of Betty Boop and her hubby, I think we are also cheering on the idea of marriage and making those formal vows.

Getting hitched was monumental for Betty Boop. It is for all us.

We simply need to be reminded of that every now and then.