I went to the doctor today, and I’m pretty sure they drew enough blood to paint a wall. At my age, they test for just about everything. It goes beyond good and bad cholesterol; there are a hundred other things about the inner workings of my body doctors can discover. If you stop and think about it, it’s absolutely astounding the information these smarty-pants people get from a little—or in my case a lot—of blood.
For science and technology to give us the information of the chemical make-up of who we are at a cellular level is really something. Medicine has advanced so far in my lifetime that I can’t fathom what is to come for my grandchildren. When I tell them how things used to be when I was a child, they look at me like I grew up in the same time period as the cave men. How quickly we become spoiled by the miraculous, for doctors to get a microscopic peek into problems.
It got me thinking . . .
I know people who have traveled the world to see some of the greatest sights. Whether it’s vast mountain ranges, specific shades of blue of the ocean, rock formations that were made “millions” of years ago, waterfalls, or jungles, people want to be amazed. There is something inside us that yearns to see the most incredible views of nature. We take vacations to be surrounded and stunned by beauty.
I see countless pictures on social media where people capture a sunrise or peaceful lake in the morning, leaves turning color in the fall, or the first snowfall of winter, and post it because it made them feel something.
Or rather reminded them of something—the Creator behind it all.
In this busy world, where drama and demands distract us so easily, it takes something spectacular to stop us in our tracks. A sight that is so out of the ordinary, that for a moment, we are shaken out of our sleepy states and the extraordinary is seen and felt.
In that split second, on the most primal level, we are reminded of the bigger picture that we had no part in making. That we are only spectators to the greatest masterpiece.
I haven’t gone to the places I see posted, but I have felt those same feelings my friends try to put into words. “I felt God,” they say.
As I sat down to get my blood drawn, I rolled up my sleeve, stuck out one arm, and with the other placed my hand over my heart and concentrated on the steady beating. As the nurse filled vile after vile of my blood, I thought of the Creator who made every detail of my body, down to the cells in my blood, which I will never see but are a blueprint of who I am.
God made not only the largest formations on the earth, but the smallest ones too. To know I contain an imprint of His creation in the tiniest, most microscopic way, making me a part of the greatness outside . . .
Well, that right there, truly puts me in awe.