From the Blog

with Holly Varni

What’s Happening with Holly
Da Vinci’s Golden Cup

Da Vinci’s Golden Cup

Have you heard the story about the golden cup in Leonardo Da Vinci’s, The Last Supper?  The enormous painting that measures 15 x 29 feet and covers an entire wall, depicts the evening before Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples. If you don’t know that story...

The Gift of a Griswald Memory

The Gift of a Griswald Memory

Each of us has certain memories from our childhood that stick more than others. When I think back to the holiday season when I was growing up, the first image that comes to mind are my parents in our front yard putting up lights. It’s an understatement to say that...

My life as a Hallmark Movie

My life as a Hallmark Movie

Boy meets girl. Boy and girl feel a spark but an obstacle stands between them. Boy can't stop thinking about girl. Boy and girl keep running into one another. Boy and girl spend time solving the problem. Boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after. I am a...

I love you Garrison…

I love you Garrison…

Everyone develops a crush at some point. Mine happens to be more of an obsession. Not to the point where I would stalk this person, but he definitely holds my admiration from a distance. I get excited at the mention of his name. My heart races and I'm filled with a...

Bouquet of sharpened pencils…

Bouquet of sharpened pencils…

"I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils..." Do you remember this line from a famous movie? One of the main characters was talking about autumn and how it made him feel to the other character. He was saying how the fall season made him feel like buying...

All about the Boobies…

All about the Boobies…

“Do your boobs hang low?     Do they wobble to and fro?    Can you tie ‘em in a knot?    Can you tie ‘em in a bow?    Can you throw ‘em over your shoulder like a continental soldier?    Do your boobs hang low?” How important are your breasts to you? Are you attached...

Big, fat, juicy tears…

Big, fat, juicy tears…

            My friend, the "Southern Belle," whom I've written about before was crying the other day. One of her dearest friends is dying of cancer and she went to say goodbye. As she was sharing her sorrow with me, tears began to fall...